Ways to Help

Donate  money, old  laptops and do volunteer work

La Pedrera School Project is accepting donations of used laptops. The laptops are used by La Pedrera and other schools  students for after school activities, homework and basic technology training. These used laptops make a huge difference to communities who otherwise would lack access to the world of computers and connection to all the tools the technology offers. Donations are tax deductible. We are happy to work with you on shipping or collecting laptops to send to Guatemala.

  1. Online.You may donate online through Paypal.

  2. By Check. Checks should be made payable to La Pedrera School Project and mailed to:
    La Pedrera School Project
    c/o Julio Batres
    4701 Zenith Ave South
    Minneapolis MN 55410-1873

Sponsor a Child

Sponsorship  for 2024

Sponsorship costs $300 for a child in primary school and $450 for a child in middle school or high school. Currently there are 40 children attending the school, with many more waiting for sponsorship. Your sponsor dollars are tax deductible and they go directly to support the children’s education. We need your help to accomplish our goal.

Donate Laptops

La Pedrera School Project is accepting donations of used laptops. The laptops are used by La Pedrera students for after school activities, homework and basic technology training. We accept laptops with broken screens, bad keyboards, wihouth hard drives, missing power supplies but good motherboards. These used laptops make a huge difference to communities who otherwise would lack access to the world of computers and connection to all the tools the technology offers. Donations are tax deductible. We are happy to work with you on shipping or collecting laptops to send to Guatemala.


Casa Xelaju, a Spanish language school in Quetzaltenago, founded and supports the La Pedrera School and other schools in the rural area in Guatemala.  For students doing extended study (2 or more months) at Casa Xelaju, there are opportunities to put your language skills to work as a volunteer. Volunteers must have a high level ofproficiency in Spanish. A volunteer could expect to spend half days at the school assisting the teacher with lessons in math, science, art, writing, and computer skills. If you are already planning to do immersion language study at Casa Xelaju and would like additional experience teaching in Spanish, contact us to learn more about how you might help at the school.

More Info

If you would like more information or have questions, you may contact us at info@cx.edu.gt

Updated 5/18/2024